Thursday, January 6, 2011

It's been far too long!

Well hey there!  Have you missed me?  It has been FOREVER since I have posted... I thought I had updated everyone on what had been going on in our lives but apparently I have not updated since midterms... Guess that says something about my life - CRAZY BUSY! :)

Anyways... before I begin updating on the happenings around the holidays here is a photo montage of our life since midterms... :)

We will start with WVU Homecoming... Janelle and MK came to visit us and see what Mo-town was all about! :)  It was so great to see them and spend some time catching up!
 I also got to see Little, my MOH... Love her!
 V also joined in the fun!!! :)
 Cousins! <3
 Future Mr. & Mrs. Willink! :)
 Miss you V!

Shortly thereafter, Halloween came along!  What could we be?  There were so many possibilities, but we finally decided that a gangster and a flapper were the perfect idea! :)
 One of my favs, Shannon, was a cave girl... this was night one of Halloween!
 Night 2 of Halloween - KE$HA concert!!! :)  Thanks for helping us get the tickets Shannon!
 The ladies up front at the concert! 

Halloween came and went... a few weeks passed by... then Jeff and I headed to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina (about a 3-3.5 hour drive from Charlotte) for Julie's wedding.  Julie was my big in the sorority!

Here I am getting ready for our pin up photo shoot!  They put all the bridesmaids in vintage outfits!  It was a great time!
 There was a vintage wedding dress hanging up that I just had to try on... But it didn't fit... :)
 Jenna, Ali, and me hanging out waiting for the group shots! :)
 The beautiful bride! :)
 Each morning we got to see a beautiful sunrise (if we got up in time!)  While we were watching for the sun to rise, we caught a glimpse of dolphins swimming in the ocean!  It was a gorgeous sight - and all from the comfort of our pjs on our beach house balcony! :)

 Here is the cake from the welcome party for all of the guests the night before the wedding!  How amazing is this cake??? LOVE!
 Sorority fam picture! <3  Big, Little, Grand-Little... :)
 One of my favorite AOIIs!!!! Miss you Jenna!
 Julie with all of her bridesmaids at the beach house pool! :)
 Family picture during the wedding! <3
 Big & Little! <3
 Were next to get married!!!!!!! <3
 AOII picture!

After catching up on sleep and work for classes, my classmates decided it was time for a little fun.  A group of people got together and hosted "The Olympics" where we had to form teams and play different games at various places.  The winner got the golden duck trophy (which was a tribute to our civil procedure professor from our first semester).  Unfortunately, there were a few disasters during the night (specifically a natural gas leak at one of the locations a game was to be played) and so the games ended without a winner... and the trophy was missing... Regardless, we all had a great time!

Shannon made our team shirts...
 Here are all the shirts drying on the balcony
 Chip making our team dinner... spaghetti and meatballs!
 Team photo! :)  Jeff had to drive to Charlotte for a job interview (yay!) and got to be a part of the team!  He was one of our coaches!  This was such a great time!

The semester began winding down, and Thanksgiving had arrived.  I jumped in my car and drove home to WV to see my family, Jeff and then eventually to go visit his family!

On my way home, I passed this tractor trailer carrying a bunch of bells!  It was an amazing sight!  
 While I was home, Jeff and I made "trash" which is a yummy treat made with rice krisp pieces, chocolate, peanut butter and confectioner sugar.  To get everything mixed together, you have to use a **clean** trash bag because a baking pan just won't cut it!  
 After you mix all the chocolate onto the rice krisp pieces, you cover it all in confectioner's sugar and get this yummy looking treat!  Jeff wanted to mix the chocolate mess together and his hands ended up covered in chocolate.  It was quite the site.  We had a little photo shoot to remember the fun.  I'll save those pictures for another time! :)
 After a yummy Thanksgiving dinner with my parents and grandparents, Jeff and I headed to Clymer to visit his family and friends.  My favorite part of Thanksgiving has come to be the annual Black Friday shopping trip where Jeff is the chafferer and drives all the ladies around Erie while we shop.  He finds the best parking spots, drops us off at the door (because it is normally super cold), stands in the long lines while we shop, gets a little shopping done himself and carries our purchases if we need an extra hand to shop with!  He is a great sport and doesn't seem to mind it at all.  I think he actually looks forward to it! :)

Here is a picture of the living room when we got back with all of our awesome deals for the day!  We shopped for about 10-11 hours that day!  It was a long, but really fun day!

Thanksgiving had come and gone along with Black Friday fun.  I headed back to school for a week of classes before beginning exams.  While I was dealing with classes/exams, Jeff got a job interview with an AWESOME company in Charlotte.  He had interviewed with this company before, but for a different position.  We were still waiting to hear about that job opportunity when he got a call to interview for this position.  The call for the initial interview came while we were in Hilton Head for the wedding weekend.  We tried not to get our hopes up in case things didn't work out but we were very hopeful!  He got a call to come down and over the course of three days he was interviewed 4 or 5 times.  I got to go along with him to his last interview where I got to meet the woman who would be his boss.  She was incredibly nice and a very caring person!  She told me that she would get him to Charlotte working for her by Christmas.  I was so excited but I wasn't sure what to think.  A few minutes later, we left the interview and Jeff had received a verbal offer to begin working on December 20.  The next few weeks were a whirlwind!  I was taking exams, but couldn't stop thinking about him finally moving to Charlotte for a job in his field!!!!  Before I knew it, the day had come and he was moving to Charlotte to begin his new job!  I am so proud of you for working so hard to get this job!  

You would think that with all of that going on, I would be focusing on studying.  However, for those of you who know me well, this will not come as a surprise.  One day, I decided that I was sick of studying for finals, I had reached my end.  I wanted to clean out my closet!  I was sick of looking through everything - new and old - to find the outfit I was going to wear that day.  I called up my good friend Lauren, and before I knew it, my closet looked empty!  It was a great feeling (until I realized I had less than 24 hours before my next final!) I felt even better when I learned about a little girl who's house recently burnt down and she was left with nothing.  I sent several bags of clothes to her in hopes that she could wear it.  I also sent several bags of clothes to my cousins who I knew could get use out of the stuff that I have been holding on to but not wearing!  Lauren explained that it was time to let go of the past (and old clothes) and put on my big girl, lawyer clothes, since I was almost half way done!!!!  YAY!!! Here is a picture of **some** of the hangers that became empty!

Before I could finish my finals, Shannon and I decided that enjoying a night out in Charlotte was the perfect idea to de-stress before our last round of exams.  Jeff had come down to finalize things for his new job (which of course made me incredibly happy) so the plan seemed perfect!  Charlotte was hosting a "Santa Bar Crawl" so we thought it would be fun to head to one of the places to enjoy some good music and friends to de-stress!  We dressed up in festive, Christmas garb and off we went!  We had such a great time!  Jeff left the next day, and I began studying... again!

Finals were **finally** over!  I survived.  The wait for grades had begun.  Before I started worrying about whether I passed classes or not, it was time for a celebration.  I made it to the half-way point of law school!  What could be better?  Oh wait, I know!  Jeff getting a job in Charlotte!!! YAY!!!!!!  I finished my exams, and within a day, Jeff was officially a Charlotte resident!  Two reasons to celebrate!!  Wait... three reasons!  It was also Shannon's birthday!  What a great start to winter break!

Future Mr. & Mrs. before heading out to celebrate all things wonderful!
 The second night of celebrating started at my apartment with appetizers before we moved the celebration to Dixie's where all proceeds from the night were donated to the fundraiser that one of my classmates is in charge of.  The fundraiser is a school wide event where we will be raising money to reach a goal and once we reach that goal, we will be stuffing packages of food that will be sent all over the place to help fight world hunger.  It is a great way for the CSL students to give back to others!  It should be a great success!
 It is important to mention that in the midst of all the craziness, my "little boyfriend" recently moved to Rock Hill, SC (30 minutes south of Charlotte) because his company opened a new office.  (for you non-sorority gals, this is my little's boyfriend - aka little boyfriend - and she has a big fiance... who used to be big boyfriend... but anyways...)  I am secretly crossing my fingers that this new office will mean that my little (and MOH) will be moving to my area very soon!  I can't tell you how wonderful it would be to have her so close!

Celebrations ended, Jeff started his new job... and I was in Charlotte with nothing to do.  To fill my time, I decided I needed to bake... and when I say bake, I mean BAKE... TONS of cookies, and tons of food was made in a week's time...

Jeff mixing up the batter for the sugar cookies - the first round of cookies...
 Frosting them...
 The lovely sugar cookies!!!
 Then I made mint chocolate chip...
 A cheesecake...
 Hershey Kiss cookies... and I didn't get pictures of all the other cookies... but believe me... 
there were a TON!

Well, now that you have been updated on our life since midterms... here is to a New Year of regular blog updates that I am sure will be filled with wedding planning and fun!  Stay tuned for all the fun we have in store in this upcoming year - our wedding year!!! :)

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